This item is a manufactured-on-demand release. Using recordable DVDs, which are custom produced for each order sold. Most titles previously had a pressed release but have lapsed out of print and are now only available on these re-released MOD discs.
Region: All, plays in all DVD players worldwide.
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SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON (1960) John Mills Dorothy McGuire
A family en route to New Guinea is shipwrecked on a deserted, tropical island. They are forced to remain on the island because of the damage to the ship and the pirates that are roaming the islands. They create a home on the island (centering around a huge tree house) and explore the island and its wildlife. Plenty of adventure ensues as the family deals with issues of survival and pirates, and the brothers must learn how to live on the island with an uncertain future.
Brand New
Region Free
Manufactured on Demand
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5000, Южная Австралия, Австралия
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AIRFORCE (1943) DVD John Garfield, John Ridgely, Gig YoungThe crew of an Air Force bomber arrives in Pearl Harbor in the aftermath of the Japanese attack and is sent on to Manila to help with the defense of the Philippines.