Set during the 1950s on a British-ruled Caribbean island, this drama deals with local politics, interracial relationships, social inequality, racism, adultery, and murder.
Brian MacLean (James Cagney) is an overconfident Canadian bush pilot who does not think twice before stealing any flying opportunity from his fellow pilots.
On trial for murdering his girlfriend, philandering stockbroker Larry Ballentine takes the stand to claim his innocence and describe the actual, but improbable sounding, sequence of events that led to her death.
A US submarine is dispatched to the frozen wastes of the North Pole to recover a Soviet satellite crammed full of strategic snapshots of US bases. The Cold War atmosphere becomes even chillier as the sub, with a Russian expatriate, a British secret agent and an American marine captain on board, is sabotaged en route.
Set during the 1950s on a British-ruled Caribbean island, this drama deals with local politics, interracial relationships, social inequality, racism, adultery, and murder.MOD DVD-R All-region media disc
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