Ergebnisse 81 100
DonaldBWilson 220
TALES OF MANHATTAN (1942) Charles Boyer Rita Hayworth Ginger Rogers Henry Fonda
Region: All, plays in all DVD players worldwide.
DonaldBWilson 220
THE TAMING OF THE SHREW (1967) Elizabeth Taylor Richard Burton
Region: All, plays in all DVD players worldwide.
DonaldBWilson 220
THE TARTARS (1961) Victor Mature Orson Welles
Region: All, plays in all DVD players worldwide.
GraveyardShift 105
Rawhead Rex 1986 DVD
A U.S. historian (David Dukes) takes his wife (Kelly Piper) and son to an Irish town where the oozing devil incarnate dwells.
GraveyardShift 105
Dr Alien 1989 DVD
A college nerd (Billy Jacoby) learns his biology teacher (Judy Landers) is an alien who needs him for a breeding experiment.